"I won't cheat"
This quote means that in order to have a good character you don't have to cheat. What i'm saying that a person can achieve their goals by not cheating but trying for themselves. For example, when theirs a test and you don't remember what to study the best thing will be to not to cheat and try your best to earn the grade you deserve. Life is not about cheating because what ever good stuff you get in life is because you improve by working hard and not wishing what others have. What I mean by saying not to wish what others have is that not to have jealousy on stuff you can't even get. Which that causes stealing which is also know as cheating because you are not even working hard but find it easy to cheat. Bad decisions bring bad consequences on the end because you can get a bad future from just that small or big error you did in life. That is why having good character is important because it can give you a good reputation. If you want to keep up with a good reputation don't cheat and work hard.

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