"Act well your part; there all honor lies"
This quote means that in order to be an honors person you need to make good decisions. Act well your part means that you need to choose the right because it is for your own good and for other to. There all honor lies means that people will see you as a great/honor person because you always choose the right no matter what. An example for this would be if you study so hard, do your homework, doinbg all your classwork, and not wasting time then you earned yourself to be in the honor roll because you worked so good your part to earn it. Cheating is bad it is not going to leave you on something good instead it will leave you as an dishorable person. People think that they just go away with it but, they are wrong the truth will always come out no matter what happens. A good example for this will the Jackie Robison children's team they went to the world league and won all games but, the truth always comes out and they discovered that they were getting kids that played good that were not even eligable to be on the team the coaches got fired from there job. People who are dishonorable end up having a bad future, no friends, and people will see them as a bad influence. Every decision people make either it's good or not they will end having a good consequence or a bad one. If you want to be known as a horable person well, awlays choose the right 24/7.

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