"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your good reputation; for it's better to be alone than in bad company"
This quote means that if you care for your good reputation then, people should hang out with the right crowd instead of hanging with a bad crowd. A good crowd means that those are your good friends the ones that are choosing the right 24/7, getting good gardes, and never doing drugs. The bad crowd are the bad friends the ones that always choose the wrong because they think it is "fun" they have bad grades, are disrepectful, do drugs, but the worst of all is that they try to damage yout good reputation to make you bad like them. If you can't have good friends but there is always bad kids that want to hang out with you then say no how the quote says better to be alone that in bad company. An example for this quote will be that you're in party and your bad friends decide to drink and do drugs then you should say no to drugs and leave. For the good friends and example would be that instead of taking you to a party they take you to study for the test because they want you and them to get a good grade. Always ignore those poeple who are your "friend" only because of your money because if you notice when you get sick or when it's your birthday your "friend" will not even care for you. Instead id he was a good friend he will care for you, give you advice, and make you choose better decisions.

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