Tuesday, February 27, 2018

I won't cheat

"I won't cheat"
This quote means that in order to have a good character you don't have to cheat. What i'm saying that a person can achieve their goals by not cheating but trying for themselves. For example, when theirs a test and you don't remember what to study the best thing will be to not to cheat and try your best to earn the grade you deserve. Life is not about cheating because what ever good stuff you get in life is because you improve by working hard and not wishing what others have. What I mean by saying not to wish what others have is that not to have jealousy on stuff you can't even get. Which that causes stealing which is also know as cheating because you are not even working hard but find it easy to cheat. Bad decisions bring bad consequences on the end because you can get a bad future from just that small or big error you did in life. That is why having good character is important because it can give you a good reputation. If you want to keep up with a good reputation don't cheat and work hard.
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Friday, February 23, 2018

Character Matters Most

"Character Matters Most"
This quote means that a person is more valued depending on their good personality. What I mean by good personality is that you're always being positive,choosing the right 24/7, and having goo thoughts. People who have good character achieve more in life because they are always bringing enthusiasm not only for them selves but for others also. Like for example Dale Murphy he has a good character, and he achieved by being a baseball player.Some people see him as a good character while others just see him as a good baseball player. But was is more important is your personality because you can get true friends who do care for you, and if your rich and have friends do not even trust them they are fake friends. Having good character is important because you can get people to admire you, and you can teach young kids to have good character and always choose the right. Another example would be if you start a business in a positive manner then everything will go well and your business will succeed. Always be positive because you can always get good stuff in life and because you are making a difference on the community.
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Duties and Responsibilities: Provide medical care to people ranging in age from newborns to young adults.They are responsible for examining, diagnosing, and treating children with a wide variety of injuries and illnesses.

Salary: $205,610

Education: Many complete bachelor's degree programs and then go on to pursue medical degrees from a medical school after submitting MCAT scores 

Demand or Need for the profession: Active Listening, Critical Thinker, Speaking, judgment and decision making, science, and reading comprehension.
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Do you want to be one? Why? Why not?
Yes I would like to be one because it will be nice to be a kids doctor from when their born to young adults.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Great Beauty, great strength,and great riches are really and truly of no great use;a right heart exceeds all

"Great Beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."
This quote means that it doesn't matter if your pretty or not, strong or weak, rich or not; what matters most is choosing the right and having a kind heart. Having a kind heart means to do something that is right in order to see others happy. Just like the freshman wrestler did his dad was about to die of cancer and he decided to make his dad proud of him and forget about his disease. He tried hard by going to train every single day, even though when there was no practice he trained hard, and he made it to the finals and won he made his dad so proud of him. What I mean is his hard work got paid by making his dad proud and winning the wrestler championship. In order to be successful you need to work hard and have a good heart. Like I said before you don't need to be perfect to do something good you can turn perfect by choosing the right every day not caring what others say. A right heart can help you be a great person because it will show your good character and how positive you are.
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Duties and Responsibilities: Examine and diagnose bodily fluids, such as blood and urine or tissues from biopsies and Pap smears, to diagnose a disease. They can also perform autopsies to determine the cause of death.

Salary: $302,610

Education: 4 years of college, to get a bachelor's degree. 4 years of Medical School to get the Medical Degree. 4 or 5 years of residency.

Demand or Need for the profession: Bachelor's Degree and a Medical Degree

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Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?
No, I would not like to be one because I want to study for another career. 

Friday, February 16, 2018

It may make a difference to all etrernity whether we do right or wrong today

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today"
This quote means that what you do good or wrong that you will still be rembered for what you did forever. Making good decisons will lead you to a good path because you will get more people to admire you and they will remeber you as the good person you are. For example, like George Washington the first president of our country always did good and choose good decisons, which now we honor him as the father of the country, many places got name after him, and he even has his own holiday which is Presidents Day. Eventhough he is not here people still remember him like if he exists because of the great person he was. People who make bad decisions will lead you to a bad path and people will remember you but because you did bad stuff that didn't only hurt you but others too and more people will hate you. Like for example that one guy the 19 year-old who did a school shooting on this Tuesday that passed, he killed 17 people and left a lot of children hurt he is now on jail and the court is deciding to leave him in jail for the rest of his life or to give him the death penalty. The bad decision he choosed caused an huge impact on his future he will either be on jail for the rest of his life or he will not be alive, but now more people will hate him, and the parents of the kids will remember him as a bad way for killing their children. Always do the right 24/7 it is not hard, If your on a good path you will always be remembered. Don't forget tha decisions determine destiny.

Presidents Day

Presidents Day
What is Presidents Day?
Presidents Day is an American holiday celebrated on the third Monday of Feburary. It was established in 1885 in recognition of the first president George Washington, which is known by Washington's Birthday by the federal government. Since it is Washington;s birthday, the holiday became popular known as Presidents day after it was moved part of the 1971 Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Some states honor Washington's birthday, other sates honor that day for all presidents.
When Is It?
It is celebrated on Feburary 22, which is on the third Monday of Feburary.
What are Several Ways To Show Honor and Respect on Presidents Day?
Some ways to show respect are to always be doing the Plegde Of Alligance, to know the presidents, and to watch how the president and soldiers honor them.
How Can You Show Honor And Respect?
By doing the Pledge Of Alligance everyday.
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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly

"Ask yourself is is right or wrong and act accordingly"
This quote means that you have to think before you decide. What I mean is that you need to know what is good in life or not in order to succeed. Knowing the right means that you know what is good and what is the right thing to do. For example, like Billy Rae the homeless he got a ring on his cup he went to the jewler to see if it was real and it was so he decided to keep the ring until he saw the owner of the ring. Once he saw her, he returned back the ring to her the couple made a donation for him, and now he is not homeless, has a car, a job, but most of all he reunited with his family he hasn't seen for 16 years. Every act of kindness you do it's get payed in return the same day or another day. People who think before they act they acheive more because they will get known by other people, people will like them and admire them, also you are showing that you have manners and you choose the right. People that act without thinking can bring bad consequences because they don't know what they are doing unless they feel guilt in the end and go ask for sorry. Choose the right no matter is it is popular or not because it can help you have a good reputation. Always make good decisons because it is showing how smart and honest you are.
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History Of Valentine's Day

History Of Valentine's Day
Today is Feburary 14 the day where people from all over the world people exachange roses, candy, balloons, and etc to their loved ones, family, and friends. But, how did it originally started? Valentines day contains vestiges of both christian and acient rome tradition. Some people believe that valentine's day is celebrated on middle Feburary to bring commemorate the anniversary of valentine's day or burial which happened on A.D.-270. Other's claim that the christian church might have decided to place St.Valentine's feast in the middle of Feburary in an effort to "Chritianize" the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. Lupercalia vas there only in the beginning when it was the rise of Christianity but it was ban, because it was view as "un-Christian" by the end of the fifth century. When Pope Gelasius declared Feburary 14 St.Valentine's Day. But until much later the day got assosiated with love, because during the Middle Ages it was commonly believed in France and England tha Feburary 14 was the beginning of bird's mating season. Valentine greetings were popular back in the Middle Ages, though written valentine's began to appear in 1400. American's began to exchange hand-made valentines in the early 1700. Now which is 2018 valentines day is the second largest card-sending holdiday of the year because each 1 billion cards are sent.
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Monday, February 12, 2018

Act well your part; there all honor lies

"Act well your part; there all honor lies"
This quote means that in order to be an honors person you need to make good decisions. Act well your part means that you need to choose the right because it is for your own good and for other to. There all honor lies means that people will see you as a great/honor person because you always choose the right no matter what. An example for this would be if you study so hard, do your homework, doinbg all your classwork, and not wasting time then you earned yourself to be in the honor roll because you worked so good your part to earn it. Cheating is bad it is not going to leave you on something good instead it will leave you as an dishorable person. People think that they just go away with it but, they are wrong the truth will always come out no matter what happens. A good example for this will the Jackie Robison children's team they went to the world league and won all games but, the truth always comes out and they discovered that they were getting kids that played good that were not even eligable to be on the team the coaches got fired from there job. People who are dishonorable end up having a bad future, no friends, and people will see them as a bad influence. Every decision people make either it's good or not they will end having a good consequence or a bad one. If you want to be known as a horable person well, awlays choose the right 24/7.
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Osteophatic Physician

Osteophatic Physician
Duties and Responsibilities: Often nurse their patients by manipulating the musculoskeletal system, that involves nerves, bones, joints ans muscles. They also have the same responsibilities as the medical doctors like prescribing medicine, performing surgery, and diagnosing illness.

 Salary: $162,908 to $221,196

Education: Earn a bachelor's degree
Demand or Need for the profession: Complete traing, graduates of osteophatic medical programs continue their training by enrolling an intership program.
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Do you want to be one? Why? Why not?
 Yes I would like to be one because they treat patients to have troubles with the musculoskeletal system. Also because they can do the same responsibilities as medical doctors do.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your good reputation; for it's better to be alone than in bad company

"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your good reputation; for it's better to be alone than in bad company"

This quote means that if you care for your good reputation then, people should hang out with the right crowd instead of hanging with a bad crowd. A good crowd means that those are your good friends the ones that are choosing the right 24/7, getting good gardes, and never doing drugs. The bad crowd are the bad friends the ones that always choose the wrong because they think it is "fun" they have bad grades, are disrepectful, do drugs, but the worst of all is that they try to damage yout good reputation to make you bad like them. If you can't have good friends but there is always bad kids that want to hang out with you then say no how the quote says better to be alone that in bad company. An example for this quote will be that you're in party and your bad friends decide to drink and do drugs then you should say no to drugs and leave. For the good friends and example would be that instead of taking you to a party they take you to study for the test because they want you and them to get a good grade. Always ignore those poeple who are your "friend" only because of your money because if you notice when you get sick or when it's your birthday your "friend" will not even care for you. Instead id he was a good friend he will care for you, give you advice, and make you choose better decisions.
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Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities: They treat their patients' musculature system. Which means that they care for patients who have problems with their bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Salary: $519,000

Education: 4-year bachelor's degree program in biology, pre-medicine or a related field. Also 4 more additional years of medical school, followed 4 to 5-years orthopedic surgery residency in a hospital.

Demand or Need for the profession: State medical license and board certification in orthopedic surgery.

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Do you want to be one? Why? Why not?

No I would not like to be one because I don't like seeing blood and peoples bodies opnened up. I want to study for another career.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Right is right only when entire

"Right is right only when entire"
This quote means that when you do the right it has to be entire in order for you kindness, honesty, and etc counts. For example, when you decide not to cheat on homework or test you are being honest and doing the right entirely because you want to earn yourself a grade. Telling the truth will count because you are accepting what you did, but if you only tell a partial truth and the rest is a lie then it doesn't count you are still being a liar. People who always tell the truth end up happy and relieved because they told the truth before it was late and have guilt. Even though people don't do the right because it is not popular then you guys should ignore that because doing the right can lead you to have better friends, be admired, but most of all you are going to have a good reputation. Having a good reputation can help you because if you say the truth people are going to believe you because you have never cheated, told a lie, and etc. Another example would be not to do drugs because you don't want to die at a young like Trump's brother Freddy did he died because he was an alcoholic at age 43 he was still young. What I am trying to say is that people should not affect them self they need to live their life, enjoying it, but most of all doing the right and showing younger kids to do it to. Because people who always choose the right and make good decisions only live.
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Duties and Responsibilities: It is a dental profession that involves straightening teeth and correcting bites. They are responsible for locating problems with the positioning of the patients teeth and their oral development. They use x-rays or plaster molds of the patients teeth in order for them to do it.

Salary: $188,000 (Based on 55 salaries)

Education:Undergraduate Degree; Doctor of Denial Science degree via the completion of four years of study at an accredited dental school; orthodontics residency.

Demand or Need for the profession: Licensing is required in all states; The board certification on orthodontics may be required.

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Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like to be one because it is will interesting to do x-rays or put plastic molds on people's teeth to locate the problem. It will feel nice to put people braces so they can have a better bite/straight teeth.

Friday, February 2, 2018

"If you do what's right, If you live the right way, you'll be taken care of"

"If you do what's right, If you live the right way, you'll be taken care of"
This quote means that the more you work hard and choose the right and live your life positively then people will admire you. Doing the right thing means that you are always choosing the right 24/7 because you want to be friendly or to do a change in the community. Living the right way means that you will be enjoying the good things about life by doing the right. Taken care of means that more people will admire you and if you are always kind then people will re pay you by taken care of you and always being there for you. An example for this would be a person who finds a lot of money but, instead of keeping it and wasting all the money on stuff you don't need then you should return it back to it's owner just like Rachel Castillo did. Karma can happen if you waste the money that it is not your's because then the same thing will happen to you. Never choose the wrong because people will not like you believe me there is a lot of people who people do not like because of their attitude. Always choose the right people.
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Oral and Maxillary Surgeon

Oral and Maxillary Surgeon
Duties and Responsibilities:Perform surgery and related procedures on the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillary regions to treat diseases, injuries, or defects. May diagnose problems of the oral and maxillary regions. May perform surgery to improve function or appearance.

Salary: 232,870

Education:The surgical residencies for oral and maxillary surgeons are usually four to six years. After completion of the residencysurgeons can take a written and oral exam to become board certified in oral and maxillary surgery. The second path is to earn dual degrees as both a dentist and medical doctor.

Demand or Need for the profession: Have strong leadership skills, be detail oriented, Have steady hands and good hand eye-coordination, Have physical and mental stamina, and be able to handle stress in difficult situations.
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Would you like to be one? Why? Why not?
I would like to be one because it will be interesting to do surgeries to people that need them. Also because helping people to have a better improvement on their face will be good.