Friday, May 4, 2018

Good Values

"The most important thing you will ever have is good values."
This quote means that the main key a person will ever earn will be respect. People can earn respect by showing their good character and choosing the right based on how they feel or what they value more. Mostly all of the times values win because you are showing that you have empathy for others but most importantly you will make someone proud. Sometimes feelings can be betraying you because of anger, revenge, or something bad towards other people. But, if they have good values they have to learn to accept the apology and feel bad for the person without making them feel bad or something. For example, a murderer can have some type of revenge toward another person and their feelings are making them to kill that person, while their values are showing them that it is bad to take away someones life. If people want to be respected they just need to learn things to go and be happy, not letting no negatives getting into their positive and spiritual life. This quote fits us as students because for example, their is a test on school and you completely blank out and you see your partner all calmly doing her test and you start to think. What I am meaning is that people have two options like for my example the choices would be you feeling to cheat and get a good grade and the second choice is value you not cheating and earning the grade you deserve by not studying a lot.

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