"If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. Conclusion: If there is beauty in character. There will be peace on the world."
This quote means that the best way to have enthusiasm is to have the best character on school,at home, and on public. People who have good character are respected, admired, and trusted this is because they have shown their best side by always choosing the right and also because of the good character. For example, the woman that worked in the restaurant she wanted to be a nurse but didn't have enough money for the tuition. Since she was the only one who had good character her boss decided to pay her the tuition so that she can achieve her goals. Now she is a nurse and has her bachelor's and masters but she wants to get her doctor of medicine degree which her old boss is trying to pay it for her. I am trying to say that if you behave good, choose the right, and being kind then you can get re payed in a good way for something you need or want. It can bring peace because you are showing that not everyone in the world could be mean and cruel and actually have a good heart. You can bring harmony because you can change the way of a person to a better version which is more nicer, no resentment, and happy.

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