Thursday, April 12, 2018

Word of Honor

“I have been asked what I mean by “word of honor.” I will tell you. Place me behind prison walls—walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground—there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I’d die first.” 

This quote means that you need to tell the truth and keep you promises no matter what is happening. Word of honor is a promise you make it can be like a goal, or a secret but you need to be honest with this by accomplishing it. A great example will be if you promise your self to get a high score on the test and you study for it, and when the test day comes you forget and you see your partner answering their test. It might want to catch you attention into cheating but no because cheating is bad. You need to remember about the promise you made to yourself and try hard on the test. This quote is talking about challenges people take in life. what I mean is that people need to pass by a lot of obstacles in order to complete you promise or to keep a secret safe. Another example would be when you are in your job and you need to do your presentation with your teammates at 5:00 in the afternoon and your car stops working and it is already 4:30 and you decide to run it and you get there before your teammates at 4:50 then that means that you keep your promise and showed up before the time that is showing that you are responsible. Being responsible is big part for this quote because it is showing us how honest and trustworthy we are.

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