Tuesday, December 5, 2017

We need the encourage to start and contribute what we should do, and the encourage to stop........

"We need the encourage to START and CONTRIBUTE what we should do, and the encourage to STOP what we shouldn't do"

I think this quote means that people should be more inspired on making good decisions and choosing the right instead on doing what is wrong. When people do the right and make better decisions then you feel good because you are helping yourself on making a good change. If you do the wrong and make a bad decision then you will feel guilty and you will end up of wishing to go back and never done what you did. People should have the courage to say no if their so call friends are doing something bad that can damage your good name then stand up for yourself and say no and try to stop them from doing the wrong. People can do the right by giving advice to little kids, friends, or their family by inspiring them that choosing the wrong is bad because they will end up with the worst consequence. Also you can contribute by helping others in need and by encouraging them to make a good change in their life to be more positive and having good energy and to avoid all those bad negatives that try to get near.  You can contribute yourself to always choose the right by always think about what are you going to do before you act and what I mean is to better think about the good or bad consequences your decision will make and who it will affect.

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