The things I liked about the class is that it is always positive and what I mean positive is by the teaching the teacher teaches us about choosing the right. I liked writing the reflection because I got to describe more about the quote by putting more thinking, explanation, and feeling which got me better on English class. I also liked the way the teacher was telling us real life experiences he had and how to avoid getting to bad influences and the way he gave us advice because he wants us to be ctr people in the future.
There's no answer for that question because I really like this class it made learn about why we need to always choose the right no matter what is happening.
I would recommend the teacher to always be positive no matter how the students are and to keep on teaching them the right because it can help change the students level A or B to the level D the democracy level on their behavior
What was a highlight is the way I got to learn more about choosing the right by how he explained and motivated us to choose the right by using videos and songs. And learning new experiences in this class is fun and the teacher is really nice he is a real ctr person and he is trying to teach us to be a good ctr person like him.
Yes I did my very best on this class by doing all my work for this class. I always did the assignments he had posted on the board and when I was done I always did the typing tutor to get better at my typing skills. I really liked searching for a medical career because I got to learn new careers that are available and how interesting they are, I really got interested in all. What I also worked hard in was on the student success statements I really like the way I can explain my thoughts, feelings, and real life examples on the quotes. I also liked the quotes because they made me learn that your character, intelligence, and etc make me you have a good reputation and I used those quotes as advice to give it to people that need it. I got better at my English and typing skills.
Yes I have been writing lately in my notebook putting new goals and reflections I have in mind. I really like writing in the planing goals journal because it has helped being setting more goals each day. And the journal is very useful I always carry it on my backpack to write on it or every time I go to a place I always take it with me.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Lawyer career
Duties and Responsibilities:
Represent their clients by defending them on court. They draw up legal
documents, manage and advise their clients in legal transactions.
Takes 7 years of study, 4 years on undergraduate study, and then they take 3
years of law school
Demand or
Need for this profession: Doctoral or professional degree
Do you like
to be one? Why? Why not?
Yes I would
like to be one because it will be interesting to be backing up for people and
arguing for a person’s freedom and innocence.
Monday, December 11, 2017
"Take responsibility in YOUR OWN body, mind, and spirit for your one mental, physical,and spiritual well being."
I think that this quote means that the more you care about yourself and your health the more well being you will be. This quote can also mean that the more positive you are the more happier you will be on seeing life. This means that caring about yourself and your health can be important because you are showing that you don't have a low self steam. Being positive is by having a positive healthy mind and a good mood can help you be physically and spiritually well because like I mentioned before you don't have a low self steam. Having a low self steam is bad because it is going to make you have negative thoughts and feelings about yourself this can happen because for example people making fun of you and calling you ugly and you thinking of that everyday is going to make you unhealthy for thinking about stuff that isn't true. If that happens then people can rise up their low self steam by being responsible and ignoring the negatives avoid them because they just want to affect you in life and make you go down. Controlling your thoughts can help you because if you stop thinking about all negatives then you are going to start trusting yourself until you get you self steam high again because you are taking action on being well again on your body, mind, and spirit.
How can smoking
harm you? Smoking can harm you by giving you a cough, cold, wheezing and
asthma. Smoking can also cause fatal
diseases like pneumonia, emphysema, COPD, and lung cancer.
Percent Of teens that smoke: Studies show that
only 90% of teens smoke
How can you prevent smoke? You can prevent
smoking by getting more informed of the negative effects that smoking brings to
you. Or you can avoid it by saying no if someone offers you some. And do not
pay attention to the cigarette just ignore it.
Thursday, December 7, 2017
"Intelligence is not enough.Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education"
"Intelligence is not enough.Intelligence plus character, that is the goal of true education"
I think this quote means that what makes you smart is the way you choose better decisions and the type of person you are. What I mean is that you need to respect other people that have different skin color and culture because we are all the same. Being smart is by doing the right to respect other around you stand up for other's who are being bullied or offended. One example for this will be if you see kids bothering another kid because of his skin color of culture then you need to be smart and defend that person, stand up for them. In the quote says education which can mean the manners your parents teach you or what you learn on the school, you need to use those manners to a be a good character because what matters the most is the character you have. If you combine your intelligence with your good character then the more people will admire you like they admired Martin Luther King Jr. for standing up for his people to have the same equal rights as whites. If people admire you they will always be on your side supporting you because they know that you are a good help for the community or city. I also think that this quote has to do with kindness because the more kind you are the more good stuff you will get in return on the same day or on a different day.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
We need the encourage to start and contribute what we should do, and the encourage to stop........
"We need the encourage to START and CONTRIBUTE what we should do, and the encourage to STOP what we shouldn't do"
I think this quote means that people should be more inspired on making good decisions and choosing the right instead on doing what is wrong. When people do the right and make better decisions then you feel good because you are helping yourself on making a good change. If you do the wrong and make a bad decision then you will feel guilty and you will end up of wishing to go back and never done what you did. People should have the courage to say no if their so call friends are doing something bad that can damage your good name then stand up for yourself and say no and try to stop them from doing the wrong. People can do the right by giving advice to little kids, friends, or their family by inspiring them that choosing the wrong is bad because they will end up with the worst consequence. Also you can contribute by helping others in need and by encouraging them to make a good change in their life to be more positive and having good energy and to avoid all those bad negatives that try to get near. You can contribute yourself to always choose the right by always think about what are you going to do before you act and what I mean is to better think about the good or bad consequences your decision will make and who it will affect.
Friday, December 1, 2017
Lie Quote
"When you Tell One Lie, it leads to another"
I think that this quote means that one lie can cause you to tell more lies until you cannot get out of the problem. Telling a lie is wrong because you are being dishonest and you are making others loose the trust they had on you. Telling the truth is a right thing because you are being honest and you are making other people to gain more trust on you and you are also showing other's that you are responsible. An example for this quote will be that you get a bad grades and you try to avoid showing your grades to your parents by saying I haven't got my grades yet. Lies are a problem because even though you do end up covering what happens is that the truth always ends up coming. You need to have the people's trust because if you keep on telling lies and the day you are finally saying the truth then people are not going to believe you because of the lies you told. This quote connects to "Always Do Right" because even though you are going to get in trouble you need to choose the right and tell the truth, I mean you will still get in trouble but not a lot because you are being honest.
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging For The Air Force
Duties and Responsibilities: They are responsible for getting images from the x-ray, ultrasounds and other equipment
Education:Certificate or an Associate's degree from a vocational school or college
Demand or Need for this profession: Certification

Do you want to be one? why? why not?
No, I would not like to be one because it will be hard getting a perfect image from the x-ray and also because I want to study for another career.
Education:Certificate or an Associate's degree from a vocational school or college
Demand or Need for this profession: Certification
Do you want to be one? why? why not?
No, I would not like to be one because it will be hard getting a perfect image from the x-ray and also because I want to study for another career.
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