"I trust that my hard work will pay off"
I agree with Tyler Haws statement because hard work does get payed on having a better achievement. This quote means that it doesn't matter how hard or tired you get because by trying you get to complete your goals. An example for this will be waking up for school everyday early, It doesn't matter because we're getting an education and we know that we will achieve in life because we try so hard. Having confidence in yourself can help you achieve because you don't give up and complete those goals/dreams you can have in life. An example for this will be Tyler Haws he trusted himself a lot which help him become a great basketball player which he still is now. He got a chance to complete his goal in being a missioner in the Philippines for 2-years. Being positive is another way to be successful because you are determined and working for what you really want. Believing in yourself is the most important thing because you can end up having new talents/skills you never thought you couldn't do in life.

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